WHEN: May 17, 2019: 12:00pm-5:00pm and May 18, 2019: 8:30am-3:00pm
WHERE: San Antonio AFL CIO Central Labor Council, 9502 Computer Dr Ste. 201, San Antonio, TX 78229WHOUnion and teacher leaders, school and district administration, school board members, state leaders, and community partners.
DETAILS: Conference registration deadline is May 3, 2019. As is our custom, we offer a stipend to assist with travel expenses for teachers and administrators- up to $500 for 1 person, $1200 for 2 or more. Please see hotel information on the sidebar.
Ellen Bernstein, SW TURN Co-Director, ellen@atfunion.org
Shelly Potter, SW TURN Co-Director, shelleyp53@gmail.com
Amy Nichols, SW TURN Co-Director, alnichols@aps.k12.co.us